Committees of the Board of Directors

Report of the Audit Committee

Olga Gnedkova
Non-Executive Director

The Committee is set up by resolution of FPC’s Board of Directors to enhance oversight of the Company’s financial and business operations by the Board of Directors. Members of the Committee are appointed by resolution of the Board of Directors based on proposals by the Company’s Directors.

In July 2015, new Audit Committee was elected. An independent director, Semyon Smolyak, was elected to the Committee. The Committee is led by Olga Gnedkova.

In 2015, the Committee held a total of 14 meetings: ten meetings in person and four meetings in absentia.

In 2015, the Audit Committee discussed 60 issues.

In 2015, the remuneration paid to members of the Committee totalled RUB 1,463,967.

Statistics on the Committee meetings

Roles of the Committee

Scope of functions Functions
Financial statements Monitor the completeness, accuracy and integrity of the financial statements of FPC; review the material aspects of FPC’s accounting policies; participate in the consideration of material issues and judgements relating to the financial statements of FPC; approve the draft budget, Investment Programme and relevant performance reports
Risk management and internal control Monitor the risk management and internal control systems for reliability and effectiveness; review the effectiveness of risk management and internal control procedures; prepare proposals for their improvement; review and assess the implementation of the risk management and internal control policies
Internal and external audit Ensure independence and objectivity of the Company’s internal audit function, and review its effectiveness; review the Company’s internal audit policy and internal audit plan; assess nominees to FPC’s auditors and make proposals on the auditor’s remuneration; oversee external audits and assess audit quality and auditors’ reports
Combating malpractice by FPC’s employees or third parties Monitor the performance of FPC’s whistleblowing system; oversee special investigations of potential fraud, misuse of insider or confidential information; monitor the implementation of measures taken by FPC to deal with whistleblowing disclosures

Key issues discussed by the Committee

Approved the Action Plan for the Stabilisation of FPC’s Financial and Economic Position for 2015;
Approved and recommended that FPC’s Board of Directors approve agreements on bank guarantees issued by VTB 24 (PJSC), JUGRA Bank, KB Millennium Bank (ZAO), and Absolut Bank (PAO) to FPC;
Reviewed and took note of the performance reports of FPC’s Internal Control and Audit Centre;
Reviewed and took note of the reports on FPC’s financial and business performance;
Reviewed and took note of independent Auditor’s reports to representatives of FPC’s owner on the audit of FPC’s financial statements under IFRS and Russian Accounting Standards (RAS) for 2014;
Reviewed and approved the nominee to the position of external Auditor of FPC for 2015;
Reviewed and took note of the interim audit results by the external Auditor obtained as part of the audit of FPC’s financial statements for 2015;
Reviewed FPC’s draft Financial Plan for 2016 and forecasts for 2017 and 2018;
Reviewed and recommended compliance with the Regulations on the Internal Control System of RZD Holding;
Reviewed and approved RZD Holding’s single corporate standard for setting the terms of, and procedure for obtaining, issuing and enforcement of certain types of security documents;
Reviewed and recommended that FPC’s Board of Directors approve the Regulations on FPC’s Debt Policy;
Approved the methodology for assessment of FPC’s financial position.

The Committee’s Plans for 2016

In 2016, the Committee plans to discuss a number of key issues:

  • Review the General Director’s report on FPC’s financial and business performance in 2015;
  • Review the audit report on FPC’s financial statements under RAS and IFRS for 2015;
  • Review FPC’s financial statements for 2015, including the profit and loss statement, and provide opinion on whether and how FPC’s net profit for 2015 can be distributed;
  • Consider the nominee to the position of external Auditor for 2016 and material terms of the relevant agreement;
  • Review a progress report on the implementation of a risk management system in FPC;
  • Review FPC’s draft Financial Plan for 2017 and forecasts for 2018 and 2019.

Changes in the Committee’s membership in 2015

Members of the Committee in 
January—July 2015
Members of the Committee in 
July—December 2015
Olga Gnedkova, Chairwoman of the Committee, Head of the Corporate Finance Department at JSC RZD, member of FPC’s Board of Directors Olga Gnedkova, Chairwoman of the Committee, Head of the Corporate Finance Department at JSC RZD, member of FPC’s Board of Directors
Oleg Ivanov, Director for Internal Control and Audit, Russian Railways Oleg Ivanov, Director for Internal Control and Audit, Russian Railways
Natalia Lem, Head of the Accounting Department, Russian Railways Natalia Lem, Head of the Accounting Department, Russian Railways
Tamara Andranovich, Deputy Head of the Department of Economics, Russian Railways Tamara Andranovich, Deputy Head of the Department of Economics, Russian Railways
Andrey Derin, Deputy Head of the Subsidiaries and Affiliates Management Department, Russian Railways Andrey Derin, Deputy Head of the Subsidiaries and Affiliates Management Department, Russian Railways
Aleksandr Muslovets, Deputy General Director of JSC FPC for Economics and Finance Aleksandr Muslovets, Deputy General Director of JSC FPC for Economics and Finance
Olga Yakovleva, First Deputy Director at Zheldoruchet Centre for Corporate Accounting and Reporting, a branch of JSC RZD Semyon Smolyak, CEO of OOO PF Capital, an Independent Director

Statistics on individual attendance of the Committee meetings in 2015

Report of the Human Resources, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee

Irina Shytkina
Independent Director

On 27 July 2015, to ensure compliance with the Code FPC dissolved the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors and simultaneously set up the Human Resources, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee of FPC’s Board of Directors, whose roles additionally include the roles of a nomination committee as set out in the Code and of a corporate governance committee.

The Committee is set up by resolution of FPC’s Board of Directors to assist the Board of Directors in the effective fulfilment of its roles of developing and improving the corporate governance system and practice; managing relationships between FPC’s shareholders, its Board of Directors and executive bodies, and interaction with subsidiaries of FPC; HR planning, professional composition and efficiency of FPC’s Board of Directors; and the development of effective and transparent remuneration practice in FPC.

Members of the Committee are appointed by resolution of the Board of Directors based on proposals by the Company’s Directors.

The new Human Resources, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee was elected in July 2015 and is composed of seven members. The Committee is led by an independent director, Irina Shytkina.

In 2015, the Committee held a total of ten meetings: five meetings in person and five meetings in absentia.

In 2015, the Committee discussed 37 issues.

In 2015, the remuneration Gennady Verkhovikh donated part of his remuneration to Rasprav Krylia charitable foundation. paid to members of the Committee totalled RUB 1,126,8601.

Statistics on the Committee meetings

Roles of the Committee

Scope of functions Functions
Effective and transparent remuneration practice Develop and regularly review FPC’s policy on remuneration of members of FPC’s Board of Directors, executive officers and other key managers; make recommendations on the levels of remuneration and reimbursement for members of the Board of Directors and Audit Commission of FPC and its subsidiaries and affiliates; set the material terms of contracts with executive officers of FPC; approve the release of FPC’s General Director to serve in management bodies or hold other paid positions elsewhere; oversee the disclosure of information on remuneration levels, policy and practice and on shareholdings in FPC by members of the Board of Directors and members of collective executive bodies in the annual report and on the website of FPC
HR planning Develop an induction course programme for newly elected members of the Board of Directors and oversee its implementation; develop a training and development programme for members of the Board of Directors and oversee its implementation; analyse the current and anticipated needs of FPC in terms of the professional qualifications of members of its executive bodies and other key managers, and ensure succession planning for these positions; discuss, review and make recommendations to FPC’s Board of Directors as to appointments of FPC’s representatives to serve on supreme management bodies of its subsidiaries and affiliates, and nominate candidates to the boards of directors and audit commissions of FPC’s subsidiaries and affiliates; approve candidates to positions of FPC’s executive officers and to certain positions in FPC’s administration as determined by FPC’s Board of Directors
Development and improvement of the corporate governance practice Monitor compliance with FPC’s information policy; monitor the reliability and effectiveness of the corporate governance system; review the effectiveness of the corporate governance practice and make proposals for its improvement; monitor procedures which ensure FPC’s compliance with Russian laws on corporate governance; determine the conflict of interest management policy and review and assess its implementation

Key issues discussed by the Committee

Approved changes to the provisions of the employment contract with FPC’s General Director;
Approved changes to the organisational structure of FPC’s administration;
Approved candidates to managerial positions at the administration of FPC and its branches;
Reviewed the new version of the Regulations on Young Professionals of FPC;
Reviewed the Regulations on the Human Resources, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee of FPC’s Board of Directors;
Reviewed the performance report of the Company’s HR function, FPC’s Personnel: Figures and Analysis for 2014;
Approved FPC’s candidates to the boards of directors and audit commissions of FPC’s subsidiaries and affiliates;
Made recommendations to FPC’s Board of Directors that it approve the following regulatory documents:
  • Regulations on Remuneration and Reimbursement to Members and the Secretary of the Human Resources, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee of FPC’s Board of Directors;
  • Regulations on Performance Evaluation of FPC’s Board of Directors, Committees of FPC’s Board of Directors and Members of FPC’s Board of Directors;
  • Standard for Provision of Materials regarding Items on the Agenda of the General Shareholders Meeting of FPC and on the Agenda of Meetings of FPC’s Board of Directors;
  • Induction Programme for Newly Elected Members of FPC’s Board of Directors;
  • JSC FPC’s Code of Business Ethics;
  • New version of the Regulations on the Board of Directors of FPC;
  • New version of the Regulations on Remuneration and Reimbursement for Members of the Board of Directors of FPC.

The Committee’s Plans for 2016

The following issues are planned to be reviewed in 2016:

  • Review FPC’s HR policy report for 2015;
  • Review the analytical report on the evaluation of FPC’s motivation system for its executive officers and other key employees;
  • Determine the levels of remuneration for members of the Audit Commission and the Board of Directors of FPC;
  • Approve FPC’s Information Policy;
  • Review FPC’s Executive Succession Plan and Talent Pool Development Programme.

Statistics on individual attendance of the Committee meetings in 2015

Changes in the Committee’s membership in 2015

Members of the Committee in 
January—July 2015
Members of the Committee in 
July—December 2015
Gennady Verkhovykh, Senior Vice-President, Head of the Central Directorate for Infrastructure, a branch of Russian Railways, Chairman of the Committee, Member of the Board of Directors of FPC Irina Shytkina, Doctor of Law, Professor of Business Law, Faculty of Law, Moscow State University, Independent Director at FPC
Tamara Andranovich, Deputy Head of the Department of Economics, Russian Railways Tamara Andranovich, Deputy Head of the Department of Economics, Russian Railways
Lyudmila Levina, Head of Section, Subsidiaries and Affiliates Management Department, Russian Railways Lyudmila Levina, Head of Section, Subsidiaries and Affiliates Management Department, Russian Railways
Lyudmila Paristaya, Deputy General Director, FPC» Lyudmila Paristaya, Deputy General Director, FPC
Aleksandr Sevidov, Deputy Head of the Personnel Management Department, Russian Railways Nikolay Zakharov, First Deputy Head of the Personnel Management Department, Russian Railways
Aleksandr Golochalov, Head of the Corporate Construction and Organisational Development Department, FPC
Andrey Tikhomirov, First Deputy Head of the Employment, Remuneration and Motivation Department, Russian Railways

Report of the Strategic Planning Committee

Valery Veremeev
Non-Executive Director

Members of the Strategic Planning Committee are appointed by resolution of the Board of Directors based on proposals of the Company’s Directors. The new Strategic Planning Committee was elected in July 2015 and is composed of nine members. The Committee includes Yuri Saakyan (an Independent Director at FPC), and representatives of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and Ministry of Transport. Valery Veremeev was elected Chairman of the Committee.

In 2015, the Committee held a total of 10 meetings: five meetings in person and five meetings in absentia.

In 2015, the Committee discussed 32 issues.

In 2015, the remuneration paid to members of the Committee totalled RUB 1,014,495.

Statistics on the Committee meetings

Roles of the Committee

Determine strategic goals of FPC’s activities; participate in the development of FPC’s strategy, and monitor its implementation; and make recommendations to the Board of Directors as to adjustments to FPC’s existing Strategy
Determine priority areas in FPC’s activities
Preliminarily consideration of and recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding approval of material transactions by FPC:
  • on FPC’s dividend policy;
  • on FPC’s Investment Policy, including the establishment of key principles for the development of Investment Policy;
  • on FPC’s participation in other entities (including direct or indirect acquisition and disposal of interests in the share capitals of such entities, and imposing a charge on shares or interests);
  • on approval of, and adjustments to, the annual budget and investment programme of FPC and approval of the relevant performance report;
  • on determining the amount of dividend on shares.; and
  • approval of material transactions by FPC.
Evaluate long-term performance of FPC
Assess voluntary and mandatory offers for FPC’s securities
Review FPC’s financial model and a model for valuation of its business and business segments
Consider reorganisation or liquidation of FPC and its controlled entities
Consider changes to the organisational structure of FPC and its controlled entities
Consider reorganisation of business processes in FPC and its controlled entities

Key issues discussed by the Committee

Reviewed a draft version of the updated FPC Development Strategy;
Reviewed the Investment Programme for 2016–2018 and adjustments for 2015;
Reviewed the budget for 2016–2018 and adjustments for 2015;
Reviewed the medium-term stabilisation programme of FPC until 2017;
Reviewed the Action Plan for Expanding the Application of the Process-Based Approach at FPC;
Reviewed the results of analysis and assessment of FPC’s motivation system for its executive officers and other key employees;
Reviewed the target framework of key performance indicators at FPC;
Reviewed the progress reports on the Strategy implementation;
Reviewed the progress reports on the optimisation of FPC’s route network, development of FPC’s target framework of key performance indicators, development and implementation of FPC’s corporate project management system, dynamic pricing system and RZD Bonus Loyalty Programme during the summer peak season of 2015;
Reviewed the reports of FPC’s General Director on FPC’s performance and progress towards key objectives for 2015;
Reviewed the Regulations on the Strategic Planning Committee of FPC’s Board of Directors and other issues related to the support for the Committee’s activities.

The Committee’s Plans for 2016

The following issues are planned to be reviewed in 2016:

  • Review a progress report on the implementation of FPC’s strategy in 2015;
  • Update FPC’s Strategy;
  • Review FPC’s draft annual report for 2015;
  • Consider payment of the full year dividend for 2015;
  • Review the General Director’s report on FPC’s performance in 2015.

Statistics on individual attendance of the Committee meetings in 2015

Changes in the Committee’s membership in 2015

Members of the Committee in 
January—July 2015
Members of the Committee in 
July—December 2015
Valery Veremeev, Member of FPC’s Board of Directors, Chairman of the Committee Valery Veremeev, Member of FPC’s Board of Directors, Chairman of the Committee
Maxim Artemov, Deputy Head of the Passenger Services Management Department, Russian Railways Maxim Artemov, Deputy Head of the Passenger Services Management Department, Russian Railways
Vladimir Vargunin, First Deputy Head of the Transport and Logistics Management Department, Russian Railways Vladimir Vargunin, First Deputy Head of the Transport and Logistics Management Department, Russian Railways
Vladimir Maksimushkin, First Deputy Head of the Economic Environment and Strategic Development Department, Russian Railways Vladimir Maksimushkin, First Deputy Head of the Economic Environment and Strategic Development Department, Russian Railways
Vadim Mishanin, Deputy General Director for Strategic Development and Corporate Governance at FPC Vadim Mishanin, Deputy General Director for Strategic Development and Corporate Governance at FPC
Yuri Saakyan, CEO at the Institute of Natural Monopolies Research, Independent Director Yuri Saakyan, CEO at the Institute of Natural Monopolies Research, Independent Director
Vasily Shipilov, Deputy Director, Department for the State Regulation of Tariffs, Infrastructure Reforms and Energy Efficiency, Russian Ministry of Economic Development Vasily Shipilov, Deputy Director, Department for the State Regulation of Tariffs, Infrastructure Reforms and Energy Efficiency, Russian Ministry of Economic Development
Igor Zyablitsky, Head of the Economics and Finance Directorate, Federal Agency for Railway Transport
Aleksandr Romanov, Deputy Head, Corporate Finance Department, Russian Railways