

One of FPC’s indisputable competitive advantages is its professional, highly-skilled staff motivated to perform at their best. About 67,000 employees of the Company ensure the comfort, quality and safety of passenger rail services within Russia and abroad.

The Company employs 67,000 people.

Most employees (41,800 people, or 62%) are directly involved in providing services to passengers.

Following anti‐crisis measures, the headcount decreased 8.5% year‐on‐year.

The Company maintains a balance between young and more experienced employees. The average age of FPC employees is 40 years. Young people under 30 years account for 21% of the total headcount. Most employees (66%) are women.

In 2015, the Company paid specific attention to the development and retention of employees. The staff turnover fell by 0.6 p.p. from 9% in 2014 to 8.4% in 2015. The employee stability index1 increased to 68% from 65% in 2014.

The Company is fully staffed with employees holding university and vocational college degrees as required by applicable regulations. Employees with a university degree account for 24% of the total headcount.

Personnel by occupation, employees

Personnel (by occupation) Personnel (by occupation) As at 31 December 2014 As at 31 December 2015
Services on trains 39 517 37 005
Ticket sales 5 175 4 767
Maintenance and repairs 6 987 6 377
Other personnel 22 256 19 528
Total 73 935 67 677

FPC personnel by age, %

Структура персонала АО «ФПК» по возрастному составу

FPC personnel by gender, %

Структура персонала АО «ФПК» по гендерному составу

FPC personnel by position/profession, %

Структура персонала АО «ФПК» по должностям/ профессиям

FPC personnel by degree, %

Качественная структура персонала АО «ФПК»


The Company regularly assesses corporate competences in an effort to improve management decision‐making practices as part of personnel recruitment and development.

Managers and skilled employees are assessed in accordance with the 5C+L model.

The same model was adjusted for activities of front‐line employees and modified into 4C+L.3

In 2015, nearly 24,000 employees were assessed, with the front‐line personnel accounting for 80% of this number. Following the assessment, 80% of employees were found to fit into the corporate competence profile.

Following the assessment, the Company formed a comprehensive talent pool of 168 managers to fill current and prospective management vacancies timely and with the best suitable nominees. During the reporting period, 120 managers from the pool were appointed to positions within the Company (the pool utilisation rate reached 71%).

Corporate competence profile for managers / skilled employees (5C+L)
Ability to develop Employee improvement Competence
Development of CRM system Customer focus
Teamwork promotion Drive for results Corporate culture and responsibility
Safety assurance Quality control and safety
Creation of an innovative environment Creativity and drive for innovations
Leadership as a management style Leadership

FPC employee assessment

Assessment tool Total, people Applicants, people Employees, people
Assessment of corporate competences, including 23 937 12 852 11 085
front line employees 19 175 12 336 6 839
managers 2 837 90 2 747
skilled employees 1 925 426 1 499
Assessment of managers’ performance 32 32
Total 23 969 12 852 11 117

Personnel Training and Development

FPC has established an effective personnel training and development system. In 2015, the Company trained 22,700 employees, or 30.7% of the total headcount.

In 2015, almost 3,000 people were trained as railway and office workers, while 16,000 employees completed professional development courses.

Professional training courses covered the following areas:

  • Ticket sales via the Ticket Clerk Workplace firmware;
  • Operation and maintenance of Strizh high‐speed trains manufactured by Patentes Talgo S.L.;
  • Operation, maintenance and fault diagnostics of systems and assemblies in double‐decker carriages;
  • Data input into the Passenger Carriage Operation and Maintenance System.

The Company keeps updating its existing education programmes and developing new courses, while improving facilities and equipment of the Corporate Staff Training Centre (the “Centre”). About 37% of existing training programmes were re‐developed anew.

Educational facilities and programmes available in the Centre allow for:

  • Training effective customer‐focused service and communication skills;
  • Improving knowledge of corporate service standards.

Some of professional training programmes for managers and skilled workforce are delivered by third‐party service providers in order to achieve strategic goals and increase business efficiency of the Company.

Professional development courses were taken by 2,800 managers and skilled employees.

Expenses on training, re‐training and professional development courses in 2015 reached RUB 97.5 million.

Staff training by education centre, people

Training system performance

Item 2013 2014 2015
FPC headcount, people 77 952 73 935 67 027
Employees trained, people 27 673 22 731 21 787
Employees trained in the Corporate Centre, % 37,0 41,4 52,6
Budget, RUB million 138,1 113,6 97,5

Statistics on the number of employees who were trained in a new profession or got further professional training

Job/position Total, people Corporate Centre trainees, people Corporate Centre trainees, %
Professional training, re-training and second career training
Carriage attendant 2 299 1 714 74
Train electrician 158 59 37
Rolling stock repair technician 91 39 43
Carriage inspector 94 36 38
Ticket clerk 75 48 64
Professional development
Carriage attendant 9 242 4 896 53
Train electrician 648 300 46
Rolling stock repair technician 920 413 45
Carriage inspector 477 135 28
Ticket clerk 3 734 3 082 83

Training by profession, %

Структура профессионального обучения, %

Third-party providers of educational services

Provider Key training programmes
Corporate Leader (13 people) Corporate Leader (13 people)
Universities offering railway related degrees MBA in:
  • Management Economics (20 people)
  • Transport Business Management: Customer Focus and Efficiency of Passenger Services (14 people currently trained)

Training programmes for the Talent Pool:

  • Passenger Train Master (161 people)
  • Structural Unit Chief Engineer (16 people)

Customer service improvement and transportation safety training programme

ANO PM Expert Project management training programmes (39 people)

Targeted Training Programmes for Young Talent

Организация целевой подготовки молодых кадров

To acquire young talent FPC cooperates with nine universities offering railway‐related degrees. Nearly 800 students opted for targeted training courses in professional colleges and universities. In 2015, eight graduates of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT) completed a workshop‐based training course in Customer‐Focused Marketing of Passenger Services.

Full‐time students doing targeted training courses had an opportunity to attend public lectures and professional days to learn about the Company’s operations and objectives.

On 2 December 2015, FPC’s top administration managers and the Corporate Staff Training Centre teachers held open classes for MIIT senior students majoring in Railway Rolling Stock (Carriages), Transportation Services and Catering, and Management (MIIT Department of Service and Tourism).

42 train crew members are currently trained through distance learning to receive a bachelor’s degree in Management.

Development of Student Train Attendant Teams

Starting from 2010, the Company has been annually engaging students as train attendants to ensure adequate train crew staffing during summer. In 2015, some 8,500 students from over 300 non‐railway educational institutions were employed for the summer season by the Company’s branches. For two years in a row, FPC has been employing students during winter holidays.

In 2015, the Company spent RUB 59.6 million on student train attendant teams working under service contracts.

Summertime services, thousand students

Wintertime services, thousand students

Перевозки, тыс. студентов

Staff Remuneration and Motivation System

The remuneration system in the Company is built to comply with Russian laws and corporate remuneration management standards to enforce employees’ rights to remuneration.

The system was developed in line with the Concept of Staff Remuneration in Russian Railways Subsidiaries.

The Company improves the competitiveness of its salaries through enhancing the effectiveness of motivation.

The staff motivation system in the Company provides incentives for the employees to improve customer services, passenger experience, railway traffic safety, carriage repairs and maintenance.

Extra bonuses offered for high performance on railway traffic safety, repairs and maintenance of carriages reduce the number of incidents connected with a breach of traffic or railway rules, and technical malfunctions.

In a bid to improve customer experience and boost revenue from other activities, the Company pays bonuses for selling merchandise and providing services to passengers on trains. In 2015, average bonus payments per employee increased 1.3 times.

In addition, the Company continued the practice of paying employee loyalty bonuses as it had proved to be effective in the previous years. Wages and salaries in FPC are regularly adjusted for inflation.