Interactive Analysis

Indicators 2012 2013 2014 Growth 2014 on 2013, %
Income, total, RUB bn , RUB bn 183.0 196.1 185.6 94.7
Income from passenger service, RUB bn , RUB bn 164.1 175.4 164.2 93.7
Income from other activities, RUB bn , RUB bn 18.9 20.7 21.4 103.2
Expenses, total, RUB bn , RUB bn 204.1 208.7 204.9 98.2
Expenses for passenger service, RUB bn , RUB bn 190.0 194.0 189.7 97.8
Expenses on other activities, RUB bn , RUB bn 14.2 14.7 15.2 103.8
Operating profit, RUB bn , RUB bn –21.1 –12.6 –19.3 153.1
From passenger service, RUB bn , RUB bn –25.9 –18.7 –25.4 136.4
From other activities, RUB bn , RUB bn 4.7 6.0 6.2 101.7
Other income, RUB bn , RUB bn 33.7 26.9 27.1 100.8
Other expenses, RUB bn , RUB bn 6.7 6.9 6.6 95.6
Total effect on other income and expenses, RUB bn , RUB bn 27.1 20.0 20.5 102.6
Subsidies from the federal budget, RUB bn , RUB bn 29.6 23.2 23.3 100.2
Profit (loss) before tax, RUB bn , RUB bn 5.9 7.4 1.2 16.6
EBITDA, RUB bn , RUB bn 21.5 22.7 16.9 74.2
EBITDA margin (including subsidies), % , % 10.1 10.4 8.1 2.3 p.p.
Profit tax and other similar liabilities, RUB bn , RUB bn 3.5 3.3 1.6 49.1
Net profit / loss, RUB bn , RUB bn 2.4 4.1 0.4
Net profit margin, % , % 1.31 2.09 –0.21
Passenger turnover, bn passengers/km , bn passengers/km 114.0 107.0 94.6 88.4
Passengers transported, mln passengers , mln passengers 114.2 108.6 98.7 90.9
Operational railcar fleet, cars , cars 20,205 19,308 17,210 -10.9
FPC share in Russian passenger turnover for all types of comparable transport, % , % 57.5 52.0 48.2 -7.3