Pricing policies

Fares for domestic long-distance passenger services vary by age (adult and children fares, based on rate components) depending on the train category (branded express; express; branded passenger; passenger), carriage type (luxury, first-class, compartment, third-class, open-plan seating), travelling distance, and seasonal coefficients set out in the flexible tariff regulation schedule and are consistent throughout the Russian railway network.

Deregulated Segment

Deregulated Segment

At the same time, under item 5 of the List of Services of Natural Rail Monopolies with Regulated Fares, Fees and Charges, as approved by the Russian Government’s Resolution No. 643 On Government Regulation of, and Control Over, Fares, Fees and Charges for Services of Natural Rail Monopolies dated 5 August 2009, FPC may set the prices of fares for first-class and compartment carriages at its own discretion.

In the deregulated segment, FPC provides passenger services in compartment carriages, high-speed interregional, first-class and luxury carriages.

The deregulated segment also covers tourist and commercial services.

In this segment, FPC may set the prices of passenger fares at its own discretion.

To reinforce its positions in the passenger services market the Company has been running marketing promotions since its inception to stimulate consumer demand in the deregulated segment and boost its revenue. Since March 2013, FPC has been phasing in a dynamic pricing system.