The current Annual Report of the Federal Passenger Company (henceforth, the Company) on the results of 2014 (henceforth, the reported year) has been prepared using the information available to the Company at the time of its creation.
The Annual Report contains information about the results of the Company’s activities in 2014, forecasting data and statements regarding the intentions, beliefs or current expectations of the Company relating to its operations, financial state, liquidity, prospects for growth, strategy as well as the development of the industry in which the Company is operating. By their very nature, such forecasting statements involve risks and uncertainties because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may not come to pass in the future.
The Company makes no direct or implied representations or guarantees and assumes no responsibility in the event of losses incurred by persons or legal entities as a result of the use of the forecasting statements in this annual report for any reason, either directly or indirectly. These persons should not rely on the forecasting statements contained in this current document as they are not the only possible scenario of events.
The sum of the parts of figures is not always equal to the total due to rounding of the arithmetic.
Except as provided for by the applicable laws of the Russian Federation, the Company accepts no obligation to review or confirm expectations and estimates or to publish updates and changes to the forecasting statements made in this current report in connection with future events or the receipt of new information.