Investments and ranking

Инвестиции и их ранжирование

As an integral component of the development strategy, the Company’s investment policy establishes investment priorities, structure, criteria, areas and sources.

Investment projects are ranked into five categories:

  • Long-term projects;
  • Replacement of retiring fixed assets, generating economic impact ;
  • Cost effective projects;
  • Replacement of retiring fixed assets, generating technological impact;
  • Technology and social projects.

Each of the projects is ranked on a scale of 0 to 100.

The higher the score, the higher priority is given to the project when included in the investment programme.

Investment programme structure by project category

Programme Share in the overall investment programme, % Score
Long‐term projects (acquisition of RIC carriages) 12  63 to 100
Replacement of retiring fixed assets, generating direct economic impact (new rolling stock for branded trains) 18  46 to 100
Projects generating direct economic impact (acquisition of double‐decker carriages and development of e‐ticket sales) 60  26 to 80
Replacement of retiring fixed assets, generating technological impact (upgrades of the rolling stock and depots to ensure compliance with technical regulations) 4,6  18 to 45
Technology and social projects 4,6  0 to 25
Total 100