Since FPC is a socially responsible company, care for people, charity and sponsorship are an integral part of our business. Every year, the Company spends considerable amounts of money on charity programmes.
Charitable and sponsorship activities of the Company are focused on reviving spiritual and national values, supporting culture, science and education, and promoting scientific progress and healthy lifestyles.
Specific attention is paid to supporting children in need of costly treatment and medicines, orphanage children, as well as providing social support for employees and retired pensioners. The Company also helps low income people, veterans and people with special needs.
FPC has a long‐standing tradition of arranging New Year celebrations for the Safonovo Boarding School for children devoid of parental care. In 2015, the Company’s donations to the Safonovo Boarding School totalled RUB 1.2 million, including the costs of renovation and new furniture.
The Company donated a total of over RUB 19.5 million in 2015 to employees and retired pensioners who found themselves in a difficult life situation or needed financial assistance, costly treatment or surgery.
Aid to children is a priority of the Company’s charitable activities. A total of over RUB 2.7 million was donated to charity funds financing costly medical treatments of children with severe conditions.
After the tragic crash of a KolAvia plane heading from Sharm‐el‐Sheikh for Saint Petersburg on 31 October 2015, FPC decided to use its charity funds to arrange for the transportation of the victims’ relatives.
In 2015, the Company’s charitable expenses within the donation limits established by the General Shareholders Meeting totalled RUB 33.9 million.
Every year, over 1,000 FPC employees take part in group‐wide social surveys (staff motivation and psychological climate studies, opinion polls for young employees, and Phase 6 of the comprehensive social survey).
According to surveys, the staff satisfaction index equalled 60.3 points, a 2‐point increase year‐on‐year. Employees are also active in the Company’s everyday life. The staff engagement index amounts to 48.8 points versus 45.5 in the previous year (up 3.3 points y‐o‐y).
Employees continue to exhibit strong loyalty to the Company. In particular, 62% of respondents are committed to maintaining long‐term labour relations with the Company, sharing its goals and values, and working efficiently to the benefit of the Company.
Guided by its environmental principles, the Company organises
annual volunteer clean‐up days. In 2015, the volunteer clean‐up
was organised before